Cards (9)

  • How do population change: They change because of the birthrate and deathrate.
  • Birthrate ,also known as natality rate ,the number of offspring produced over the same time period
    Birthrate > Deathrate= Population Increases
  • Deathrate ,also known as mortality rate,the number of individuals that die over time
    Birthrate < Deathrate= Population Decreases
  • Exponential Growth is when a population is in ideal condition with unlimited resources. The larger the population gets, the faster it grows
  • Factors that can decrease the size of a population
    1.) Natural Disaster 2.) Diseases
    3.) Predation 4.) Competition
  • Extinction are species that has died our and no individual are left. It can be caused by predations, natural disaster, or damage to the environment
  • Endangered Species are species whose population is at risk of extinction
  • Threatened Species are species at risk, but not yet endangered
  • Movement
    1.) Immigration
    individual enters a population
    2.) Emmigration
    individual leaves a population