free will vs determinism

Cards (9)

  • free will is the idea that humans have the ability to make choices and decisions about their own actions and behaviours, not influenced by biological and external forces
  • determinism is the idea that all behaviour is caused by external and internal factors rather than an individuals will to do something
  • hard determinism is the idea that all behaviour is determined by external factors and free will is an illusion
  • soft determinism is the view that behaviour may be predictable but there is also an influence from freedom to make conscious, rational decisions
  • the 3 types of determinism are: biological determinism, psychic determinism, and environmental determinism
  • biological determinism is the idea that behaviour is determined by biological factors which we cannot control such as genes and hormones
  • environmental determinism is the idea that behaviour is determined by the features of our environment which we cannot control, such as reward and punishment systems
  • psychic determinism is the idea that our behaviour is determined by our unconscious psychodynamic conflicts that we cannot control
  • a limitation of determinism (specifically hard determinism) is that it is not consistent with our legal system- hard determinism believes we have no individual choice in our behaviour- however in a court of law offenders are held responsible for their actions