Content analysis- A quantitative research technique that enables the indirect study of behaviour by examining communications that people produce, counting the occurrences - e.g- the number of positive and negative words used when a mother describes her child's behaviour.
Thematicanalysis- an inductive and qualitative approach to analysis that involves identifying implicit or explicit ideas within the data. Themes will often emerge after coding. Focuses on identifying and interpreting patterns (themes)
Thematic analysis is a very lengthy process, the main intentions are to:
Impose an order on the data
Ensure that the order represents participants' perspectives
Ensure the order emerges from the data rather than any other preconceptions or biases
Allows the data to be summarised so that hundreds of pages or hours of videos can be reduced
Enables general conclusions to be drawn from the identified themes
Content analysis is a way of analysing data such as text using coding units such as themes, categories, and codes - counting the occurrences