Cards (32)

  • fibromuscular tube extending from vestibule pf vulva, between labia minora, to uterine cervix
  • located posterior (dorsal) to urinary bladder and anterior (ventral to rectum

  • vagina is separated from bladder by fibroadipose tissue; urethra enters vagina wall distally
  • basal cell layer comprised of single columnar epithelial layer with high nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio
    stratified nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium
  • parabasal layer comporomised of 2 cell layers
  • intermediate cell layer is most prominent with more abundant cytoplasm that is sometimes glycogenated
  • superficial cell layer appears flattened with cells showing pyknotic nuclei and dense eosinophilic cytoplasm with occasional keratohyalin granules
  • outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle is continuous with uterus
  • fewer smooth muscle fibers anteriorly due to urethra
  • inner dense connective tissue layer adjacent to muscularis
  • epithilia proliferation and maturation varies with menstrual cycle
  • predominance of thick glycogenated squamous epithelium pior to ovulation
  • gradual decrease in cell layers after ovulation until start of next cycle
  • fewer cell layers and loss of cytoplasm imparts basophilic appearance
    atrophic epithelial changes
  • collection of round elongated glands with central eosinophilic secretion

    wolffian duct remnants
  • wolffian (mesonephric) duct remnants

    most commonly in lateral walls
  • glandular epithelium located at stromal-epithelial interface, due to persistence of membryonic mullerian glandar tissue
  • epithelium may be mucinous, tuboendometrioid, or embryonal type

  • after menopause, vagina epithelium atrophies due to low estrogenic state
  • new borns, vaginal epithelium is often fully mature due to maternal estrogen
  • parakeratosis of epithelium may be seen with uterine prolapse
  • promince over pubic symphysis that is composed of adipose tissue, anteriormost region of vulva
    mons pubis
  • border of distal-most extent of vagina and posterior aspect of vulvar vestibule
  • located lateral (parallel) to labia minora
    labia majora
  • present lateral to vulvar vestibule and medial to labia majora
    labia minora
  • located anterior to frenulum at junction of labia minora
  • extends from exterior surface of hymen to clitoris anteriorly, fourchette posteriorly, labia minora anterolaterally, and heart line posterolaterally

    vulvar vestibule
  • includes vaginal opening and utheral orifice
    vulvar vestibule
  • vulvar vestibule includes openings for paired skene ducts, vestibular glands, and bartholin glands
  • inferior junction between vulvar vestibule and perineal skin
    hart line
  • stromal cell can be spindled, fusiform, stellate and may have nuclear multilobation

  • labia majora contains eccrine glans, sabaceous glans, hair follicles, similar to those found in skin at other locations

    adnexal structure