
Cards (11)

  • CBT
    1. Becks cognitive therapy
    2. Homework
    3. Ellis' rational emotive behaviour therapy
    4. Methods of disputing
    5. Behavioural activism
  • Beck's Cognitive Therapy
    • identify automatic negative thoughts of the world, self and future and challenge them to test the reality of the beliefs
  • Homework
    • patients might be set homework (record/diary) which is used to dispute their own beliefs in the session - 'patient as scientist'
  • Ellis' rational emotive behaviour therapy
    • extends the ABC model to ABCDE (dispute, effect)
    • aims to identify and dispute irrational thoughts, involving a vigorous argument with the intended effect of changing irrational thoughts
  • Methods of disputing
    1. Empirical argument - actual evidence
    2. Logical argument - logically follow facts
    3. Pragmatic argument - how practical
  • Behavioural Activism
    • therapist encourages patient to be more active and engage in enjoyable activities e.g. sports
  • (CBT) + It's effective
    • research shows CBT is just as effective as medication and a combination of the two is an even better way of treatment
  • (CBT) - May not work in some cases
    • very severe cases cannot motivate themselves to engage in CBT although medication may be used to get around this
  • (CBT) - Success may be due to relationship
    • research suggests many forms of psychotherapy may be similar (therapist-patient relationship being the common factor), this might be determining the success
  • (CBT) + Long term benefits
    • patients learn techniques which could be used in the future (long term solution), therefore more cost effective than drugs
  • (CBT) - Not suitable for all people
    • Involves hard work, talking about feelings, dedication, and is time consuming which doesn't always suit people's character/life style