Definitions of abnormality

Cards (17)

  • Define statistical infrequency
    -something is abnormal if it is statistically rare
    -means that behaviours that occur in a small number of people are statiscally rare
    -an example is Intellectual disability disorder as only 2.5% of the population have an IQ of less than 70 (abnormal)
  • What is a weakness of statistical infrequency(desirability)
    -doesn't take into account the desirability of behaviour just it's frequency
    -e.g high IQ is just as abnormal as low IQ whereas low IQ is undesirable
    -this means that not all disorders need treatment and SI cannot be used alone to make a diagnosis
  • What is another weakness of SI(no distinction)
    -There is no distinction between rare slightly odd behaviour and rare psychologically abnormal behaviour
    -this means that si may not be as effective as other definitions for diagnosing psychological disorders
  • Another weakness of SI(common disorders)
    -Some behaviours that are considered psychologically abnormal are quite common e.g mild depression
    -Hasset and White (1989) argue that you cannot use si to define abnormality bc of this.
    -using SI some disorders would not be classed as anything unusual
  • Define Deviation from Social norms
    -social norms are implicit or explicit standards of acceptable behaviour set by a social group
    -someone is seen as abnormal if thy break social norms and not doing what is expected or accepted in any given situation
    -e.g antisocial personality disorder
  • what is a weakness of social norms(human rights abuses)
    -can lead to human rights abuses
    -some historic examples include rules for women and ethnic minorities which were encouraged and endorsed due to the social norms of the time
    -however it can be argued that these social norms were there to control others
  • what is another weakness of social norms(cultural relativism)
    -cultural relativism
    -social norms greatly differ depending on the culture and what is classed as abnormal in one may be normal in the other e.g hearing voices
    -this may be a problem for people from one culture living with members of another culture
  • what is another weakness of SN(acceptance over time)
    -what is considered acceptable or normal can change over time
    -e.g up until recently homosexuality was in the DSM as a disorder
    -this diagnosis was later dropped as it was found to not be a frequent as previously thought and also due to the change in social norms
  • define failure to function adequately

    -someone is classed as abnormal if they are no longer able to cope with the demands of every day life
  • what is the criteria for failure to function adequately
    -not being able to maintain basic hygiene, nutrition, paid employment or relationships with those around them
    -a problem with this is agoraphobia which is an extreme irrational fear of entering open or crowded places or leaving ones home
    -you cannot maintain interpersonal standards if you do not interact
  • A weakness of FTFA(simply a deviation from social norms)
    -is that it can be argued it is simply deviation from social norms
    -people who practice extreme sports can be seen as behaving in a maladaptive way while those with supernatural or religious beliefs can be seen as irrational
    -if we treat these behaviours as "failures" to function adequately we risk limiting personal freedoms and persecuting minority group
  • what is a strength of FTFA
    -It takes into account patient perspective
    -it may not be entirely satisfactory as it is difficult to assess distress but it acknowledges the actual experience of the patient
    -this means it is useful criteria for assessing abnormality in patients
  • A weakness of FTFA(subjective judgements)
    -subjective judgements
    -when deciding whether someone is failing to function adequately someone has to judge whether someone is distressed
    -a patient may say they are but be deemed as not suffering
    -Global assessment of functioning scale is used to assess this.
  • define deviation from ideal mental health and jahodas six conditions

    -positive self attitude
    -self actualisation
    -resistance to stress
    -personal autonomy
    -accurate perception of reality
    -adaptation to the environment
    -abnormality is the absence of this criteria
  • What is a strength(broad range)
    -very comprehensive and covers a broad range of criteria
    -this means it is an effective tool for diagnosing mental health
  • what is weakness(unrealistic)
    -sets an unrealistic standard of mental health
    -none of us achieve them all at the same time or keep them up for very long
    -this would mean that to some extent we are all abnormal and this is not necessarily the case
  • what is a weakness(cultural relativism)
    -cultural relativism
    -some cultures it is considered abnormal to have such a heavy emphasis on personal achievement in the concept of self actualisation as it is considered self indulgent
    -this is an example of an individual cultures