Matrioszka ZUSJE

Cards (65)

  • się poznawać
    Reflexive verb poznawać się (to get to know each other) in the infinitive. The reflexive pronoun się is used to indicate a reciprocal or personal action.
  • Ja to nie zabawka, ani twoja opcja
    I’m not a toy, nor your option.
  • Ja to nie zabawka
    The noun zabawka (toy) is in the nominative case as the subject complement of the sentence.
  • Take the expensive car and your dad’s toys.
    Zabierz drogie auto i zabawki ojca
  • Zabierz": Imperative form of zabrać (to take).
  • drogie auto
    Drogie is the neuter singular adjective modifying auto (car), which is also neuter singular and in the accusative case.
  • zabawki ojca
    zabawki (toys) is plural in the accusative case, while ojca (of your dad) is in the genitive case to indicate possession.
  • I wonder if beyond that, you can impress me.
    Ciekawe czy poza tym możesz mi zaimponować
  • Ciekawe
    Neuter singular form of ciekawy (interesting/wondering) used impersonally here.
  • możesz mi zaimponować":
    • Możesz: Second person singular present tense of móc (to be able to).
    • Mi: Dative form of ja (me), required by the verb zaimponować (to impress).
  • Because every other guy would like to get to know me.
    Bo co drugi typ chciałby mnie poznać
  • Co drugi typ
    A common Polish expression meaning "every other guy."
  • chciałby
    • Third person singular conditional of chcieć (to want), indicating desire
    • mnie poznać":
    • Mnie (me) is in the accusative case as the direct object of the infinitive poznać (to meet/get to know).
  • I have no intention of opening up for a boy.
    Nie mam zamiaru otwierać się dla chłopca
  • Nie mam zamiaru
    Mam (I have) is negated by nie. Zamiaru (intention) is in the genitive case due to negation.
  • otwierać się
    Reflexive verb otwierać się (to open up) in the infinitive.
  • dla chłopca
    • Dla (for) requires the genitive case, so chłopca (boy) is in the genitive.
  • Słowiański sznyt, ale ja nie taka prosta
    A Slavic flair, but I’m not that simple.
    • Słowiański sznyt": Słowiański (Slavic) is an adjective modifying sznyt (flair/style), both in the nominative case as the subject of the sentence
    • ale ja nie taka prosta":
    • Taka (that kind of/so) matches the feminine singular nominative noun prosta (simple).
  • Wozi mnie nowy Merc albo Panamera
    A new Merc or Panamera drives me around.
  • wozi
    Third person singular present tense of wozić (to drive, to carry). Indicates habitual action or a general state.
  • mnie
    • Accusative form of ja (me), functioning as the direct object of wozi.
  • nowy Merc albo Panamera":
    • Nowy (new) is the masculine singular nominative adjective modifying Merc (a colloquial abbreviation for Mercedes).
    • Panamera (a car model by Porsche) is a proper noun, so it remains unchanged.nowy Merc albo Panamera":
  • IPhone off, samolot, tego nie odbieram
    iPhone off, [on the] plane, I don’t take [calls].
  • tego nie odbieram":
    • Tego (this) is in the genitive case because of the negation (nie odbieram – "I don’t answer").
    • Odbieram: First person singular present tense of odbierać (to answer/pick up), referring to not taking calls/messages.
  • Chcę dziś tylko winogron i koziego sera
    Today, I only want grapes and goat cheese.
  • "tylko winogron i koziego sera":
    • Winogron (grapes) is in the genitive case, which is required after tylko (only) and also because winogron is a plural-only noun.
  • Koziego sera (goat cheese) is in the genitive case because the structure "I want [of something]" often requires the genitive in Polish.
    • Koziego (goat’s) is the masculine singular genitive form of kozi.
    • Sera (cheese) is the masculine singular genitive of ser.
  • ja to goat patrz gdzie jestem teraz
    I’m the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), look where I am now.
  • ja to goat
    Goat is an English loanword used here for emphasis or modernity. Ja (I) is emphatic, and to functions as a colloquial way to mean "am the."
  • patrz gdzie jestem teraz

    • Patrz (look) is the imperative form of patrzeć (to look).
    • Gdzie jestem teraz (where I am now) follows standard subject-verb-object word order.
  • The time has come; I no longer churn buttermilk.
    Przyszedł czas, nie ubijam już maślanki
  • Przyszedł czas":
    • Przyszedł is the masculine singular past tense of przyjść (to come), agreeing with czas (time), a masculine noun in the nominative case as the subject.
  • "nie ubijam już maślanki":
    • Nie ubijam (I no longer churn): Ubijam is the first person singular present tense of ubijać (to churn), negated with nie.
    • Maślanki (buttermilk) is in the genitive case, as required for negation of a transitive verb in Polish
    • Od tego koleżanki":
    • Od tego (for that) uses tego in the genitive case to denote "for/from this [purpose]."
    • Koleżanki (female friends) is in the accusative case, serving as the direct object of mam.
  • głośno grać i do szklanki
    play loud, and (drink) to the glass.
  • grać
    (to play)
    • Długo (long) and głośno (loudly) are adverbs, modifying the respective verbs.