1-Global energy supply and demand

Cards (23)

  • What is energy security
    The balance between energy supply and demand
  • What is energy surplus
    The amount of energy a country is producing is more than is needed by its people
  • What is energy deficit
    The amount of energy a country needs isn't being met by its own resources
  • What factors affect energy supply
    Political factors
    Cost of exploitation and production
    Physical factors
  • Why is physical factors affecting the energy supply
    The geology of an area determines location and availability of fossil fuels
    E.g. geothermal energy is only produced in areas of tectonic activity
  • Why is climate a factor effecting energy supply
    The amount of sun and wind influence the availability of solar and wind energy
  • Why is technology a factor affecting energy supply
    Technological advances have allowed energy sources in remote areas to become exploitable e.g North Sea and Arctic
  • Why is the cost of exploitation and production a factor effecting energy supply
    Some energy sources are costly to exploit or cost a lot to transport
    E.g. oil rigs, nuclear power stations and pipelines
  • Why is political factors affect energy supply
    Political instability in places like the Middle East meant many oil consuming countries are looking for alternative supplies
  • Which region has an energy surplus
    The Middle East has an energy surplus because of it's large oil reserves but unstable political regimes ( conflict ) affect supply
  • Which regions have energy insecurity
    Western Europe can't supply its demand of energy so is dependent on energy imports
    Sub Saharan Africa has limited energy supplies and depends on other countries to exploit reserves
  • Why is energy consumption increasing?
    Economic development, rising population and technology
  • How is economic development increasing energy consumption
    -as countries develop their demand for energy supplies rise
    - NEEs will account for more than 90% of the growth in energy demand by 2035
  • Why is rising population and technology increasing energy consumption
    More people means more energy demand for technology, industry, food production and transport
    As quality of life and wealth improves the demand for vehicles, lighting and heating increases
  • What can be done about energy insecurity
    To increase its energy supply a country may try to further exploit its own energy sources, reach agreements with other countries to import energy or reduce its energy consumption
  • What will exploiting resources in the future depend on
    The development of technology that makes it cost effective
    The environmental implications of exploitation in sensitive areas
  • What percentage of the worlds undiscovered oil is in the Arctic
  • Why is exploitation of resources in places such as the Arctic difficult
    Because it is expensive and has high environmental risks such as oil spills
  • What are the economic and environmental costs of oil and gas exploitation in the Arctic
    -People demand higher wages to work here due to the difficulties(climate)
    -Drilling equipment may sink due to the ice melting during summer
    -Long distances and limited transportation increases costs
    -special equipment is needed due to extreme low temperatures
    -political issues may develop ( the land north of the Arctic circle is claimed by eight countries
    -strict environment controls
  • What percent of global energy is used for food production
  • What is the impact of energy security on food production
    can power machinery, stores produce and manufacturing of fertiliser and chemicals
    Agriculture can also generate energy - use of biofuels - but reduces land used for food production
  • Why can the shortage of energy lead to conflict
    Can lead to conflict when one state holds a bigger share of an energy resource
    E.g. Russia controls 25% of the worlds natural gas- can raise prices or cut off supplies (Ukraine)
    Middle East produces 40% of the worlds gas and 56% of its oil( gulf and Iraq wars in 1900s and 2000s were driven by the West's fear of global oil shortage
  • What are the two options for increasing energy supplies
    -develop and increase the use of renewable sources of energy
    -continue to use non-renewable fossil fuels