Med 1900-present

Cards (123)

  • Causes of disease 1900-present
    Drinking alcohol
    DNA and genetics
  • Causes of disease:lifestyle
    drinking and drugs
  • smoking
    Causes lung cancer
    high blood pressure, heart disease, gum disease, throat and mouth cancer
    passive smoking causes asthma
  • Diet
    sugar and fat in processed foods causes type 2 diabetes
    too much fat- heart disease
  • Alcohol and drugs
    binge drinking-liver disease, kidney problems, alcoholism
    drug addiction- poor mental health, disease sharing needles
  • STDs
    unprotected sex
    lead to HIV and aids
  • DNA and genetics
    1900- realised some diseases hereditary
    1931- electron microscope, genes could be seen
    1953- Francis crick and James Watson discover DNA
    proved DNA was in every human cell- worked with rosalind franklin
    franklin-used X-rays to photograph DNA
    1986- Human genome project- identify purpose of every human gene
    2001- DNA map of body complete
  • Result of mapping of human body
    Genetic disorders identified: Down’s syndrome, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and breast cancer.
  • Why was the discovery of DNA significant 

    Gene therapy- sickle cell anemia
    Can now screen for genetic diseases-breast cancer
  • Causes of illness: diagnosis and science technology
    Blood tests and biopsies
    Blood sugar monitoring
    Ct scans
    MRI scans
  • blood tests and biopsies
    since 1930s blood tests have been used to diagnose cause of illness e.g ananemia
    Biopsies(samples of tissue)
  • Blood sugar monitoring
    checks peoples blood with diabetes to establish the level of sugar in the blood
  • CT scans
    advanced X-rays- used to diagnose tumours and cancer
  • MRI scans
    use magnets ad radio wave to create an internal image of the body- used to diagnose soft tissue or ligament damage
  • Echocardiograms- ECGs
    use electric impulses to track heart activity. help diagnose a heart attack and irregular heart patterns
  • Ultrasound
    use sound waves to build up an image of the inside of he body. help diagnose kidney and gall stones
  • X-rays
    Since the 1890s used to diagnose broken bones
  • Endoscopes
    Flexible camera sees inside the body and diagnoses digestive problems
  • Magic bullets
    1: salvarsan 606
    2: prontosil
    3: sulphonmide
    4: penicillin
  • First magic bullet:
    salvarsan 606
    Paul Erlich theorised chemicals will kill bacteria
    1919 discovered Salvarsan the 606th chemical compound killed the STD syphilis.
    however based on arsenic and also killed the patient.
    significant because it led to the discovery of other chemical compounds
  • second magic bullet:
    1932 gerhard domagk discovered prontosil
    his daughter had blood poisoning and prontosil made her recover
  • third magic bullet
    realised it killed bacteria and led to new drugs that cure; pneumonia and scarlet fever
  • fourth magic bullet:
    1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin after leaving Petri dishes with bacteria on. the mould that grew killed bacteria
    he diluted the Mold, didn’t kill bacteria internally only outside the body.
    1938- Florey and chain created pure penicillin which could kill internal bacteria e.g septicaemia
    US gov mass produced for WW2
  • Why was the development of penicillin significant:

    Deaths from disease decreased
    1943 streptomycin- cured tuberculosis
    Short term: miracle cure for diseases
    Long term: superbugs like MRSA have became resistant to antibiotics
  • What was the life expectancy around 1900?
    About 50 years
  • Why could most families not afford to see a doctor by 1900?
    Medical costs were too high for families
  • What theory gained wider acceptance by 1900?
    Pasteur's germ theory
  • What ideas about disease were no longer believed by 1900?
    Miasma and the Four Humours
  • What was changing regarding public health attitudes by 1900?
    The laissez-faire attitude was dying out
  • What did scientists realize about disease causes?
    Not all diseases are caused by microbes
  • Who theorized that genes come in pairs?
  • What was the limitation of microscopes by 1900 regarding genetics?
    They weren't powerful enough to identify gene pairs
  • What substance was identified as responsible for hereditary characteristics in 1953?
  • What shape did Watson and Crick discover DNA to have?
    Double helix
  • Who contributed x-ray images that helped discover DNA's structure?
    Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
  • Why was knowing the structure of DNA important for medicine?
    It helped identify hereditary disease causes
  • What was launched in 1990 to map human DNA?
    The Human Genome Project
  • How many DNA pairs does the Human Genome Project identify?
    Over 3 billion pairs
  • What can scientists do with the DNA blueprint from the Human Genome Project?
    Look for mistakes in hereditary diseases
  • What preventative measure can people take if they test positive for a breast cancer gene?
    Choose to have a mastectomy