islam beliefs

Cards (10)

    predestination: god knows everything and determines everything. "only what god has decreed will happen to us" Allah controls everything, supremacy of gods will

    god will judge humans for their actions on earth , god puts responsibilty back to people despite knowing what they are going today
    " nothing can change qadr except dua " - praying to god can change your destiny as written in the hadith
    life after death
    akhirah is the belief in everlasting life after death
    when in the grave 2 angels will question them about faith
    the prophet said " it is in the grave when it is said to him " who is your lord ?
    what is your religion?
    who is your prophet ?

    day of judgement: angel israfil will blow the trumpet and everyone will rise to be judged

    heaven: book in right hand and reward for good faith

    hell : book in left hand and punishment for those who reject god
    prophet Muhammad and the Imamate
    prophet Muhammad was the last prophet and had the quran revealed to him over 20 years by angel jibril. he ascended to heaven on the night journey and spoke to past prophets,
    when Muhammad( pbuh) dies, muslims were split into 2 sects, Sunni ( believed Abu Bakr should be sucessor) and shias.
    shia believed Ali was sucessor and became the 1st imam, believed ali was appointed by divine intruction .
    believes there are 12 imams in total and that they rule justly and can can interpret the quran without fault.
  • Holy books:
    "this is a scripture in which, no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of god "
    "indeed the quran is a reminder"
    it is the direct word of god and most scared text in islam
    other holy books mentioned in the quran are
    the psalms
    the gospels
    the scrolls of abraham
  • sunni and shia beliefs
    elected abu bakr as caliph , dont make the rules just enforce them
    six articles of faith
    • Tawhid: belief in 1 god
    • angels: communication from god to humans
    • The prophets of God
    • Day of judgement : when humanity will be judged by Allah
    • The supremacy of god's will
    • Holy books
  • shia beliefs:
    believed ali should be sucessor
    believes imamate was chosen by God
    Five roots of Usul Ad Din
    • Tawhid: belief in 1 god
    • Ressurrection
    • The prophets of god
    • Justice of god
    • Imamate
    both sunni and shia belief in tawhid
    the shahadah "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger"
    God is an undivided entity and no one else has Gods attributes. God will not forgive shirk.
    " he is God , the one , the eternal. He begot no one nor was he begotten . No one is comparable to him"
  • Islam does not burden a soul more than it can bare
  • “sabr” patience and trust in god
  • shias believe that god knows everything, but doesnt determine everything, freewill

    "God does not change the condition of a person for the worse unless they change it themselves "