definitions of abnormality

Cards (13)

  • What is the definition of statistical infrequency?

    any statistically rare behaviour is classed as an abnormality
    • extreme ends of normal distribution graph
  • What are the strengths of statistical infrequency?

    real life application - diagnosis/assessments/treatments
    e.g, intellectual disability
  • What are the weaknesses of statistical infrequency?

    • Result in labels - stigmatizing
    • Unusual characteristics can be desirable (e.g, high IQ)
    • Subjective categories that determine abnormalities
  • What is the definition of deviation from social norms?

    when a person behaves in a way that is different from how we expect people to behave based on a collective judgement
    • affected by generation and culture
  • What are the strengths of deviation from social norms?

    real-life application - e.g, diagnosing antisocial personality disorder
  • What are the weaknesses of deviation from social norms?
    • lead to abuse of human rights
    • cultural relativism
  • Definition of failure to function adequately

    when someone is unable to cope with the ordinary demands of day-to-day life
    • may cause distress to others
    • based on rosehan+seligans theory
  • How does Rosehan+Seligan determine failure to function adequately?

    • when a person no longer conforms to standard interpersonal rules (e.g, hygiene standards+respect for personal space)
    • when a person experiences severe personal distress
    • when a person's behaviour becomes irrational or dangerous to themselves/others
  • What are the strengths of failure to function adequately?

    subjective to individual experience - considers distress despite being difficult to operationalize
  • What are the weaknesses of failure to function adequately?
    • cultural bias - e.g, depressive behaviour typical in teenagers
    • dysfunction not always observable
  • What is the definition of deviation from ideal mental health?

    when an individual does not reach the set criteria for good mental health:
    • personal growth + self-actualisation
    • integration - the ability to cope with stress
    • autonomy - the ability to be independent
    • perception of reality
    • matters of the environment - the ability to build relationships
  • What are the strengths of deviation from ideal mental health?

    prioritises individual needs/health
  • What are the weaknesses of deviation from ideal mental health?

    • Unrealistic high expectation of 'good mental health' - just have a bad day
    • cultural relativism
    • vague+subjective