
Subdecks (1)

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  • How are mental disorders diagnosed?
    Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (DSM-5)
  • What are the aims of DSM-5?
    • Identify disorders using explicit criteria
    • Multiaxial system (shows a variety of symptoms)
    • Once diagnosed can receive treatment
    • Avoid theoretical bias
  • Advantages of the DSM-5
    • Standardized billing and coding
    • Standardized diagnoses and treatments
    • Guides research
    • Guides treatment
  • Disadvantages of DSM-5
    • Oversimplifies human behaviour
    • Increases risk of mis / over diagnosis
    • Provides labels - stigmatizing
  • What are the behavioral symptoms of a phobia?
    • Panic if unable to avoid
    • Can cause a significant disruption to a patients life
  • What are the cognitive symptoms of a phobia?
    Selective attention - the person becomes fixated on the object of fear
    • Can cause irrational beliefs (e.g, its going to case them danger)
  • What are the emotional characteristics of a phobia?
    Excessive/Unreasonable fear, anxiety and panic
    • Triggered by the presence or anticipation of phobic stimulus
  • What is the definition of a simple/specific phobia?
    fear of specific objects, places or situations
  • What is the definition of a social phobia?
    fear of social situations (specific or general)
  • What is the definition of agoraphobia?
    fear of open or public spaces where it is difficult to leave quickly, get help, or where you might experience a panic attack
  • Who developed the two-process model?
    Mowrer (1960)
  • What are the steps in the two-process model?
    • Classical conditioning - development of fear - fear response can be generalized (application of fear to similar properties)
    • Operant conditioning - maintenance of fear - avoidance reduces anxiety (negative reinforcement so strengthens behaviour)
  • Studies that relate to behaviourist explanations for phobias
    • Little Albert - Watson and Rayner
    • Phobia of running water (classical) - Bagby
    • Phobia of cars - Di Gallo
  • Strengths of behaviourist explanations for phobias
    • Empirical evidence - studies = credible + reliable
    • Application - 2-process model = treatments (flooding/SD) improve productivity
  • Weaknesses of behaviourist explanations for phobias
    • Little Albert lacks ecological validity (artificial) so less credible + generalisable
    • No treatments are 100% accurate - not always behaviourist
    • Not everyone has a specific event that leads to phobia
    • Deterministic - assumption all phobias are caused by environment = reductionist
    • Traumatic events don't always lead to phobias
    • Doesn't consider other explanations - cognitive + biological
  • What is the cognitive explanation for phobias?
    Faulty thinking
  • What is the biological explanation for phobias?
    Evolutionary behaviour to fear things that posed danger to ancestors