Cards (10)

  • Define a phobia
    Irrational fear of an object or situation
  • Outline the 3 categories that phobias can fall into

    -social anxiety disorder
  • Outline the 5 categories of specific phobias
    -environmental dangers(water)
    -blood injection injury(needles)
    -situational(heights/enclosed spaces)
  • Define agoraphobia
    -phobia of being outside or open spaces
    -specifically linked to the fear of not being able to escape if a fearful situation arises
    -sufferer avoids situation to avoid distress 
  • Define social anxiety disorder(social phobia) 

    -fear of being in social situations
    -down to the fear of being judged or embarrassed
  • Outline the cognitive symptoms of phobias
    -irrational beliefs about the stimulus that causes fear
    -selective attention: attention is held on the phobic stimuli meaning sufferer cannot conc on anything else
    -cognitive distortions: phobic's perception of the phobic stimuli may be distorted
  • Outline behavioural symptoms of phobias
    -avoidance : avoiding coming into contact with phobic stimuli .
    -endurance: when sufferer continues to experience high anxiety levels when in presence of phobic stimuli
    -panic in response to phobic stimuli
  • Outline the physical symptons of phobias
    -activation of f and f response when the feared object is encountered or thought about
  • Outline the emotional symptoms of phobias
    -anxiety: prevents sufferer from relaxing
    -fear: immediate and extremely unpleasant response when in presence of phobic stimuli
    -unreasonable: disproportionate response to potentially harmless stimuli
  • What is the Dsm criteria of a phobia
    -there's significant prolonged fear of an object or situation THAT LASTS MORE THAN 6 MONTHS
    -people experience an anxiety response when exposed to phobia stimuli
    -phobias are out of proportion to any actual danger
    -sufferers go out of there way to avoid the phobic stimulus
    -phobia disrupts their lives