Cards (7)

  • Define depression
    A mental disorder characterised by low mood and low energy levels
  • Outline major depression(uni polar) 

    -an episode of depression that can occur suddenly
    -can be reactive(caused by the external factors E.g death of a loved one) 
    -can be endogenous(caused by internal factors e.g neurological)
  • Outline manic depression(bipolar disorder) 

    -alternation between two mood extremes mania and depression
    -occurs in regular cycles of days or weeks
    -episodes of mania involve overactivity rapid speech and feeling extremely happy or agitated
  • Outline the behavioural symptoms of depression
    -sleep disturbances(hyper insomnia or insomnia)
    -change in appetite
    -aggression and self harm
    -activity levels (lethargy or psychomotor agitation-cannot relax)
  • Outline the cognitive symptoms of depression
    -persistent negative beliefs about themselves and their ability
    -suicidal thoughts
    -slower thought processes and difficulty concentrating and making decisions
    -absolutist thinking (catastrophising)
  • Outline the affective/emotional symptons of depression
    -extreme feelings sadness hopelessness and despair
    -dinural mood variation (changes in mood throughout the day e.g feeling worse in the morning) 
    -anhedonia (no longer enjoying activities that used to be pleasurable 
  • For a person to be diagnosed with major depression..
    -the DSM states that at least 5 of these symptons must be present nearly everyday for almost two weeks