mutation - change in sequence of bases in DNA; caused by substitution, deletion or insertion of a nucleotide within a gene
the position and involvement of the amino acid in the R group interactions within the protein will determine the impact of the new amino acid on the function of the protein
frameshift mutation - 1 or more nucleotides are added or deleted from the 3' end of the gene
effect of different mutations:
no effect - there is no effect on the phenotype of an organism because normally functioning proteins are still synthesised
damaging - the phenotype of an organism is affected in a negative way because proteins are no longer synthesised or is non-functional
beneficial - protein synthesised results in a useful characteristic
mutagens - chemical, physical or biological agent which causes mutations
chromosomemutations affect the whole chromosome
genes can be regulated by:
transcriptional control - genes can be turned on or off
post-transcriptional - mRNA is modified
translational - translation can be stopped or started
post-translational - proteins can be modified after synthesis which changes their functions
heterochromatin - tightly wound DNA causing chromosomes to be visible during cell division, transcription is not possible
euchromatin - loosely wound DNA present during interphase
chromatin regulation prevents the complex and energy-consuming process of protein synthesis from occurring when cells are actually dividing
histone modification - DNA coils around histones because they are positively charged and DNA is negatively charged. histones can be modified to increase or decrease the degree of packing
acetylation - acetyl groups added to lysine residues making them more negative so less likely to bind with DNA
methylation - methyl group added to cytosines in CpG islands (regulatory regions) making it harder for RNA polymerase to attach
DNA methylation occurs at specific sites within the genome and is heritable through mitosis but not meiosis
Lac operon:
an operon is a group of genes that are under the control of the same regulatory mechanism and are expressed at the same time
lac operon is a group of lacZ, lacY and lacA genes which code for enzymes
a regulatory gene is located near to the operon and codes for a repressor protein that prevents the transcription of the structural genes in the absence of lactose
when no lactose is present:
the repressor protein binds to the operator region and covers part of the promoter region
this prevents the transcription of the structural genes as RNA polymerase cannot bind to the promoter region
the repressor protein is constantly produced
when lactose is present:
lactose binds to the repressor protein causing it to change shape
thus it can no longer bind to the operator
RNA polymerase can now bind to the promoter so the structural genes are transcribed
CAP and cAMP:
RNA polymerase alone does not bind well to the lac operon
CAP binds to a region of DNA before the lac operon and helps RNA polymerase attach to the promoter
CAP is regulated by cAMP which is a "hunger signal" made by E. coli when glucose levels are low
cAMP binds to CAP, changing its shape and making it able to bind to DNA
CAP is only active when glucose levels are low
RNA processing:
transcription produces a precursor molecule known as pre-mRNA
this is modified to produce mature RNA
RNA modification:
a cap is added to the 5' end and a tail to the 3' end
cap - modified nucleotide
tail - chain of adenines
this stabilises mRNA and delays degradation
it will last longer and more protein can be synthesised from it
the cap aids the binding of ribosomes to mRNA
the mRNA is also spliced
introns are removed and exons are joined together
RNA editing:
the sequence of nucleotides can be modified by base addition, deletion or substitution
this causes the same results as point mutations
this increases the range of proteins produced from a single gene
protein synthesis can be controlled by:
degradation of mRNA
binding of inhibitory proteins
activation of initiation factors which aid the binding of mRNA to ribosomes
post-translational control:
some proteins are not functional straight after they have been synthesised and therefore need to be activated tow ork
this can include addition of non-protein groups, modification of amino acids, folding of proteins or modification by cAMP
example of cAMP:
glucagon binds to receptor
this activates a transmembrane protein which activates a G protein
the G protein activates adenylyl cyclase which converts ATP to cAMP
cAMP activates PKA which catalyses the phosphorylation of various proteins which thus activates enzymes in the cytoplasm
Protein kinases:
enzymes that catalyse the addition of phosphate structure groups to proteins
this changes the tertiary structure and function of the protein
cell activity can be controlled using kinases
morphogenesis - the regulated pattern of anatomical development
Homeoboxgenes - a group of genes which contain a homeobox
homeobox - section of DNA 180 base pairs long coding for a part of the protein 60 amino acids long that is highly conserved in plants, animals and fungi. This part of the protein binds to DNA and switches other genes on or off
Hox genes:
one group of homeobox genes present in animals
responsible for the correct positioning of body parts
found in gene clusters
the order in which they appear along the chromosome is the order in which the effects are expressed in the organism
somites - segments in the embryo which are directed by Hox genes to develop in a particular way.
most animals show symmetry
radial: top and bottom
bilateral: right and left side, head and tail
diploblastic: body derived from two embryonic cell layers
triploblastic: body derived from three embryonic cell layers
regulated with the help of homeobox and Hox genes
normal body cells divide around 50 times before death
cytokines, hormones, growth factors and nitric oxide can induce apoptosis
proteins are released into the cytoplasm that will bind to apoptosis inhibitor proteins
apoptosis is an integral part of plant and animal development
extensive proliferation of cell types is prevented by apoptosis
apoptosis removes harmful T lymphocytes
not enough causes tumours, too much causes cell loss