Found increase in official stats didn’t match victim surveys or self report studies
argue reason for increase is net widening > prosecuting females for less serious violent offences than previously
Argues past girls’ behaviour was seen as a welfare issue whereas now it’s labelled as criminality
increase in female convictions maybe a result of a moral panic by media about young women being out of control
Found CJS professionals were influenced by media stereotypes of violentladettes
creates amplification spiral; reports of girls misbehaviour sensitise the police and courts > take tougher stance > results in more convictions > produces negative media stories
Gender and victimisation
Crime survey for England and Wales show gender differences in victimisation and in relationship between victim and offender
more men are victims of violence and homicide
more women than men are victims of intimate violence
Evaluation of survey
Victim surveys don't show the severity of victimisation
Ansara and Hinchin showed female victims experience greater violence and control