Cards (8)

  • Becker 1963: 'social groups create deviance by creating the rules whose infraction constitutes deviance, and by applying those rules to particular people and labelling them as outsiders'
  • Moral Entrepreneurs: people who lead a moral campaign to change the law
  • Changes due to Moral Entrepreneurs:
    1. creation of a new group of 'outsiders'
    2. creation or expansion of a social control agency to enforce the rule and impose labels
  • Platt 1969: idea of 'juvenile delinquency' created by upper class victorian moral entrepreneurs aimed at protecting young people at risk - enabling the state to extend its powers beyond criminal cases to 'status offences' (where their behaviour is only an offense because their age'
  • Becker: social control agencies may themselves campaing for a change in law to increase their control. PCSC Act 2022 campaigned by the police for laws to prohibit protests
  • What is labelling dependent on?
    1. interactions with agencies of social control
    2. appearance, background and personal biography
    3. situation and circumstances of the offence
  • agencies of social control are more likely to label certain groups of people as deviant or criminal
  • Pillavin and Briar 1964: police decisions to arrest a youth mainly based on physical cues and judgements about the youth's character. Decisions influences by suspects gender, class and ethnicity