Cards (11)

  • outline OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)
    -classified as an anxiety disorder
    -characterised by either obsessions and/or compulsions
    -obsessions are cognitive and compulsions are behavioural
  • Define obsessions
    -recurring and persistent thoughts or impulses that cause anxiety
  • how does the DSM classify obsessions
    -persistent and recurring thoughts and impulses that are unwanted and cause distress
    -person tries to actively ignore thoughts but is unable to
    -obsessions have not been caused by any other physiological substances such as drugs
  • define compulsion
    -repetitive behaviours designed to relieve anxiety
  • how does the DSM diagnose compulsions
    -person repeats behaviour that relates to obsession
    -compulsions are meant to reduce anxiety or prevent feared situation when in reality they are excessive
    -compulsions are not caused by other physiological substances such as drugs
  • How does the DSM diagnose clinical cases of OCD
    -o's or c's last for at least one hour each day
    -if the o's and c's interfere with a person's ability to maintain a relationship hold down a job or take part in social activities
  • outline the OCD cycle
    -obsessive thought->anxiety->compulsive behaviour->temporary relief
  • outline the common types of OCD
    -Checking (lights are off)
    -contamination(fear of catching germs)
    -hoarding(keeping useless or worn out objects)
    -symmetry and orderliness(tins of food all facing the same way)
  • outline cognitive characteristics of OCD
    -Obsessive thoughts that are unwanted and persistent
    -cognitive strategies(e.g religious obsessions may include to praying over and over
    -selective attention(directed towards the anxiety generating stimuli)
  • outline behavioural characteristics of OCD
    -compulsions (compelled to repeat a behaviour to relieve anxiety)
    -avoidance (attempting to avoid anxiety triggering situations)
  • outline emotional characteristics of OCD
    -Anxiety and distress (compulsions only give temporary relief from high anxiety)
    -accompanying depression
    -guilt and disgust(irrational guilt at minor details and disgust at onself and external details)