Cards (12)

  • One American innovation that was swiftly adopted by the Conservatives was the use of computers to target and contact potential voters in marginal constituencies
  • Party Chairman Cecil Parkinson organised a direct mail campaign that reached 500,000 voters before the 1983 general election
  • The social makeup of the Conservative Party changed more rapidly under Thatcher than in the years before 1979
  • Although most MPs still went to university, the party became less posh
  • The proportion of MPs educated at public schools dropped from 75% to 66% between 1974 and 1987
  • There were more self-made businessmen and fewer men of inherited wealth
  • Thatcher is fairly accused of doing little to advance women in politics
  • During her time as PM, the no. of female MPs only increased from 19 to 41
  • She believed that merit alone should lead to a successful political career and was opposed to any form of positive discrimination in favour of women
  • Thatcher's determination to drive forward with policies she believed to be right ultimately led to her downfall in November 1990
  • By 1990, she had alienated a long list of Conservative, 'big beats', who were unhappy at being ignored or even rebuked in cabinet
  • Tow of the most senior to be handbagged were Chancellor Nigel Lawson (resigned Oct 1989) and Deputy PM Geoffrey Howe