b7 - ecology

Cards (21)

  • define habitat
    place where an organism lives
  • define population
    all of the organisms of a particular species that live in that habitat
  • define community
    all the populations of different species that live together in a habitat
  • define biotic factors
    living factors of an environment
  • define abiotic factors
    non-living factors on an evironment
  • define ecosystem
    the interaction of a community of living organisms with the non-living parts of their environment
  • state what plants compete for
    • water and mineral ions
    • space
    • light
  • state what animals compete for
    • foods and water
    • space (territory)
    • mates
  • define interdependence
    when all species depend on other species. if one species is removed then the whole community could be affected
  • state the eight abiotic factors
    • light intensity
    • temperature
    • moisture levels
    • soil pH
    • soil mineral content
    • wind intensity and direction
    • carbon dioxide levels for plants
    • oxygen levels for aquatic animals
  • state four biotic factors
    • predation
    • availability of food
    • amount of disease
    • competition (resources + habitat)
  • state the three adaptations that enable organisms to survive in their conditions they usually live in
    • structural
    • behavioural
    • functional
  • what are structural adaptation?
    the physical features of an organism
  • what are behavioural adaptations?
    the behaviour of an organism
  • what are the functional adaptations?
    the processes that take place within an organism
  • state three examples of structural adaptions
    • the colour of the organism
    • the shape of the organism
    • protective body
  • what is an extremophile
    microorganism that lives in very extreme environments like high temperatures, pressure and salt conc
  • what type of organisms are often extremophiles?
    archea and bacteria
  • what happens to most of the energy as it passes along a food chain?
    most of the energy is lost to the surroundings
  • what is biodiversity?
    the variety of different species on earth or within an ecosystem
  • give three reasons why maintaining high biodiversity is important
    • it increases the stability of ecosystems so that changes to it won't cause huge effects
    • many medicinal drugs come from organisms
    • many species provide specific services such as producing oxygen, pollinating crops