Transmission in Pacinian Corpuscles

Cards (5)

  • An example of nervous system receptor, the mechanoreceptor, responds to mechanical stimuli; in this case pressure, found deep in skin and joints
  • Has a single sensory neuron and neuron end is wrapped in connective tissue layers (lamellae), cell-membrane has special stretch-mediated sodium channels; only open Na^+ ions when stretched
  • Pressure stimulus pushes on lamellae: Deforms sensory neuron membrane and opens stretch-mediated Na^+ ion channels, ions diffuse in, depolarising and creating generator potential; greater pressure opens more Na^+ channels
  • If enough sodium ions enter to reach threshold potential, then action potential is initiated; impulse will move along sensory neuron
  • Pacinian Corpuscles
    A) nerve ending
    B) fibres
    C) flattened cells
    D) dendron
    E) sensory
    F) myelinated