South and East China Seas

Cards (10)

  • China has overtly stated its sphere of influence in South East Asia in a policy called the 'Island Chain Strategy' and is actively pursuing a policy of controlling the ocean from its coast to the First Island Chain, of which there are two.
  • China launched its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, in 2012 and a second in 2019 and is likely to launch a third in 2021-2023.
  • China may be planning further nuclear-powered carriers for launch in the late 2020s
  • Policy has problems as many rocks, islands and areas of continental shelf in South and East China seas are disputed. These areas are militarily important to China in terms of defending what it sees as ocean areas it should control
  • Largest naval presence in area at the moment is USA due to its closest allied Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. These islands could be important economically as they harbor oil and gas reserves
  • China's recent strategy in the area has been occupying deserted islands and to artificially build larger or even new Islands, especially in the Spratly Islands to extend their EEZs.
    • 2014: China began constructing airport on reclaimed land on Fiery Cross Reeg
    • 2015: China began construction of a port and possibly an airport on Mischief Reef
    • 2015: Subi Reef appeared to be being developed into Chinese military base
  • 'Great Wall of Sand' is the term coined to reflect China's action and the fact that its new island bases are built of sand but the policy is a long standing one thus it is often called the 'Nine Dash Line' policy.
  • The 'Nine Dash Line' policy refers to Chinse maps delimiting the area of claimed control in the South China Sea using 9 dashes
  • 18 April 2020 (height of global pandemic): China announces creation of 2 new administrative districts in the South China sea which covered the Spratly Islands, both of which are claimed by Taiwan thus significantly raising stakes in an already tense region.
  • In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled against China's claims over the Nine dash line and stated that there was no legal basis for them