Cards (40)

  • Wchodzisz mi w głowę tak

    You get into my head like this.
    • "Wchodzisz":
    • Second person singular present tense of wchodzić (to enter).
    • Mi w głowę":
    • Mi (to me) is the dative case, indicating the indirect object.
    • W głowę (into the head) uses głowa (head) in the accusative case after the preposition w (into).
  • Jak ja się bronić mam
    How am I supposed to defend myself?
    • Ja się bronić mam:
    • Ja (I) is the subject in the nominative case.
    • Się bronić (to defend oneself) is a reflexive infinitive verb.
    • Mam (I am supposed to) is the first person singular present tense of mieć (to have), here indicating obligation.
  • Ty na emocjach grasz

    You play on emotions.
    • Na emocjach grasz":
    • Na emocjach (on emotions) uses emocje (emotions) in the locative case, required by the preposition na in this sense.
    • Grasz (you play) is the second person singular present tense of grać (to play).
    • "Taka taktyka":
    • Both taka (such) and taktyka (tactic) are in the nominative case, as this is a descriptive statement.
  • Tańczymy pośród gwiazd
    We dance among the stars.
    • Pośród gwiazd":
    • Pośród (among) is followed by gwiazd (stars) in the genitive case, which is required after this preposition.
  • Potem na nerwach grasz

    Then you play on nerves.
    • Na nerwach grasz":
    • Na nerwach (on nerves) places nerwy (nerves) in the locative case, required by the preposition na in this context.
    • Grasz (you play) is again second person singular present tense of grać (to play).
  • Jesteś w mojej głowie, chociaż bronię się od tego

    You are in my head, even though I resist it.
  • W mojej głowie":
    • Mojej (my) is the dative case, matching głowie (head), which is in the locative case after w (in).
    • Bronię się:
    • First person singular present tense of bronić (to defend), with the reflexive particle się.
    • Od tego (from it) places to (this) in the genitive case, required by od (from).
  • A potem na osłodę dajesz mi lody Oreo
    And then, as a sweetener, you give me Oreo ice cream.
  • Na osłodę:
    • Osłodę (sweetener) is in the accusative case, required after na when indicating purpose.
    • Dajesz mi:
    • Dajesz (you give) is the second person singular present tense of dawać (to give).
    • Mi (to me) is in the dative case, as the indirect object.
  • "Lody Oreo:
    • Lody (ice cream) is in the accusative case, the direct object of dajesz.
  • Chcesz zatrzymać na moment mnie przy sobie
    You want to keep me by your side for a moment.
    • Chcesz zatrzymać":
    • Chcesz (you want) is the second person singular present tense of chcieć (to want).
    • Zatrzymać (to stop/keep) is the infinitive.
    • Na moment:
    • Moment is in the accusative case, indicating duration or purpose.
  • Mnie przy sobie":
    • Mnie (me) is the accusative case, the direct object of zatrzymać.
    • Przy sobie (by your side) uses sobie in the locative case, as required by przy (by).
  • I dlatego powtarzasz mi ciągle, że ja to słowiańskie piękno
    And that’s why you keep telling me that I am Slavic beauty.
    • Powtarzasz mi:
    • Powtarzasz (you repeat) is the second person singular present tense of powtarzać (to repeat).
    • Mi (to me) is in the dative case, as the indirect object.
  • Ciągle:
    • An adverb meaning constantly/continuously
    • Że ja to słowiańskie piękno:
    • Że introduces a subordinate clause.
    • Słowiańskie piękno (Slavic beauty) is in the nominative case, as it describes the subject ja (I).
  • Wiem to i podchodzę z rezerwą
    I know it and approach it cautiously.
  • Wiem to:
    • Wiem (I know) is the first person singular present tense of wiedzieć (to know facts).
    • To (it) is in the accusative case, the direct object of wiem.
    • Podchodzę z rezerwą:
    • Podchodzę (I approach) is the first person singular present tense of podchodzić (to approach).
    • Z rezerwą (with caution) uses rezerwa in the instrumental case, required after z (with).
  • Bo tyle ładnych słów skończyło się już tragedią
    Because so many pretty words have already ended in tragedy.
  • Tyle ładnych słów:
    • Tyle (so many) is a quantifier followed by ładnych słów (pretty words) in the genitive case, as required by quantifiers.
  • Skończyło się:
    • Skończyło (ended) is the past tense, third person singular neuter form of skończyć się (to end).
  • Tragedią:
    • Tragedią (in tragedy) is in the instrumental case, used for the means or result of an action.
  • Przeszłość, a teraz nowy sezon
    The past, and now a new season.
    • Przeszłość:
    • Przeszłość (the past) is in the nominative case, used as the subject of the sentence.
  • Nowy sezon:
    • Nowy sezon (new season) is also in the nominative case, linked to the subject teraz (now).
  • Czytam z twoich ust":
    • Czytam (I read) is the first person singular present tense of czytać (to read).
    • Z twoich ust (from your lips) places usta (lips) in the genitive case, required by z (from).
  • Czy przynoszą do mnie szczerość:
    • Czy (whether) introduces the question.
    • Przynoszą (they bring) is the third person plural present tense of przynosić (to bring).
    • Do mnie (to me) uses mnie in the genitive case, required by do (to).
    • Szczerość (sincerity) is in the accusative case, the direct object of przynoszą.
  • Czytam z twoich ust czy przynoszą do mnie szczerość
    I read from your lips whether they bring sincerity to me.