Cards (7)

    • all people are equal but not the same
    • "we created you from a male anf female, and have made you into people and tribes"
    • all people are important in their own right as created by Allah
    • men and women face the same judgement
    • ummah defeats all national, political, cultural and language boundaries
    • prayer stresses the importance of equality
    • individuals as equal before Allah
    • in pilgrimage, all pilgrims wear the same white ihram clothing
    • Muhammad respected women and selected Bilal, the black slave, as the first muezzin -
    • a muezzin is the person who makes the call to daily prayer five times a day
    • women are allowed particular rights and protections
    • they are allowed to be cared for when in pain or difficult times
    • they are to be provided for
    • they are allowed to wear the hijab for keeping modesty
  • the Christian Muslim Forum:
    • based in London
    • brings Christians and Muslims together to build good relationships
    • it creates a place for discussion and exploration of differences between Christianity and Islam
    • it educates others through interfaith activites
    • educates communities, students, teachers, women and international development agencies