investigate whether prison guards behave brutally because they have sadistic personalities or whether it is the situation they are in that creates the behaviour
pps for Zimbardo's study
24 male university students
responded to an advert saying a two week study of 'prisonlife'
natural experiment
zimbardo's procedure
he set up a 'mock prison' in the basement of stanford uni
the final volunteers were deemed 'emotionallystable'
pps were randomly assigned to 2 groups
the prisoners in Zimbardo experiment
pps were 'arrested' by real police from their homes
blindfolded, strip-searched, deloused
given a prison uniform with their number on it
had 16 rules they had to follow
the guards in Zimabrdo experiment
worked in shifts of 3
had their own uniform (mirrored glasses, handcuffs, clubs)
they had complete power over prisoners
called prisoners by their numbers
findings of Zimbardo experiment (the rebellion)
in 2 days the prisoners rebelled and got punished by the fire extinguisher and the 'divide and rule'
guards harassed prisoners which highlighted the difference in social roles as they came up with ways to enforce the rules and punish those who don't follow
findings in Zimbardo experiment (after rebellion)
once rebellion had failed, prisoners felt depressed, 1 prisoner was released at 36 hours and another 2 on day 4
a prisoner went on 'hunger strike' but was put in the 'hole' and was shunned rather than be a hero
3. guards identified more closely with their roles and became more brutal and aggressive, some appeared to enjoy the power
conclusions of zimbardo experiment
revealed the power of the situation to influence people's behaviour
guards, prisoners and zimbardo all conformed to their roles
roles were taken on very easily
everyone found themselves acting like it was a prison and not a psychological study
even zimbardo went native and didn't see any problems
a limitation of zimbardo research is the lack of realism
Banuazizi + Mohavedi argued that pps were merely play acting rather than genuinely conforming to the role
their performances were based on stereotypes of how prisoners and guards are meant to act
based on character from 'cool hand luke'
2. (limit of zimbardo lack of realism) this is a problem as
the pps behaviour may not have been their natural behaviour
they may have acted in response to demand characteristics
students who had never seen the study predicted how they would act
standford students could have had done the same
3. (limit of zimbardo lack of realism) however zimbardo provided evidence that
the situation was real to the pps
90% of the prisoner's conversations were about prison life
prisoner 416 expressed the view that the prison was a real one but run by psychologists instead of government
4. (limit of zimbardo lack of realism) therefore it can be argued that
whilst people were not involved in the research they may have been able to guess the purpose of the study
the actual pps found the situation real
high degree of internalvalidity
(limitation of zimbardo fails to consider dispositional factors)
Fromm accused zimbardo of exaggerating the power of the situation to influence behaviour and minimising the role of personality factors
2. (limitation of zimbardo fails to consider dispositional factors)this is a problem as
it reduces the pp responsibility for their actions by saying their behaviour is solely determined by the situation they are in
3. (limitation of zimbardo fails to consider dispositional factors)the criticism is supported by evidence
the study shows that a third of the guards behaved in a brutal way
another third wanted to enforce rules fairly
the last third were sympathetic
4. (limitation of zimbardo fails to consider dispositional factors)this suggests that
zimbardo's conclusion that pps were conforming to social roles may be over-stated
variances between guards' behaviour shows that they can exercise right and wrong
despite the pressure to conform by them being in the situation
(limit of zimbardo unethical)
many of the pps were exposed to psychological harm
zimbardo acknowledges that the study should have been cut short
2. (limit of zimbardo unethical)this is a problem as
it means that the research was carried in a manner that put pps at a risk
as psychologists they should have made sure that all pps were return to normal lives unaffected
3. (limit of zimbardo unethical)this was counteracted by
zimbardo carried out debriefing sessions for several years
there was no longer lasting negative effects
4. (limit of zimbardo unethical)could be considered ethical
it followed the ethical guidelines of the uni's ethics committee
there was no deception as all pps were told in advance that many of their usual rights may be suspended