The Leadership Struggle

Cards (7)

  • Lenin's Testament: December 1922. Read that Stalin was abusing his power as General Secretary, and he had been rude and abusive towards Lenin's wife. Trotsky was too arrogant and rude, although could've been great at role. Bukharin did not fully understand communism. Zinoviev and Kamenev had destroyed their chances by not supporting the October Revolution.
  • Stalin had moderate views, described as 'Centre'. He associated neither with left or right wing ideologys. This worked in his favour later on in the leadership struggle, as due to him not identifying strongly with either view he was able to change his campaign to suit his alliances. Stalin did however advocate for 'Socialism in one Country' i.e. build up industrial base and military.
  • Trotsky had very left wing views. His aims were to promote worldwide revolution (communism) and rapid industrialisation.
  • Zinoviev and Kamenev were also left wing. During the Leadership Struggle, they are often referred to as the 'United Opposition' due to the similar views they share and their placement against Bukharin and Stalin in defeating Trotsky.
  • Bukharin on the other hand had very right wing views, which was a large reason for Lenin's testament stating he didn't understand communism. Bukharin wanted slow industrialisation and was a big supporter of the NEP (New Economic Policy).
  • The candidates in the leadership struggle decided not to have Lenin's testament published for three main reasons.
    1. It contained embarassing remarks about all of them.
    2. They did not see Stalin as a threat.
    3. It contained positive remarks about Trotsky, which may have led to him being 'chosen'.
  • Stalin's first step to power, was becoming a part of the Anti-Trotsky alliance. This alliance followed the right wing view of Bukharin, the NEP, however Kamenev and Zinoviev, despite sharing the left wing views of Trotsky allied against him with candidates sharing the opposite views, just to get him out.