deception of participants. they believed confederates were genuine participants however, this is a small price to pay compared to the benefits gained from the study.
this way, participants could not have given fully informed consent as they did not know the true nature of the study
social pressure may have subject them to distress and anxiety. lack of protection from harm
minority influence
when a minority changes the attitudes and behaviours of a majority through conversion
conflict, understanding, persuasion (a form of internalisation)
to strengthen MI
consistency, commitment, flexibility (compromise)
Social change happens when a minority changes society's opinions and a new social norm is created
as more people convert, influence gets bigger
the snowball effect
investigated minority influence
study of doing an unambiguous task (judging slide colours)
asked to judge blue slides in the presence of a minority giving consistent, false answers
found that overall, participants agreed with the minority 8.2% of the time
shows that minorities can influence the attitudes of the majority when they are consistent
Moscovici limitaitons
deception (participants did not know about the minority), meaning they did not know the true nature of the study and therefore could not give informed consent
low population validity and therefore lack of generalisability (all american female participants - gynocentric and ethnocentric bias - assumes application to other genders and cultures)
lack of ecological validity and mundane realism due to being a laboratory study
Nemeth performed variations of Moscovici's study and found that people were more likely to agree with a flexible minority