Jesus Grows in Wisdom and Stature

Cards (15)

  • What does Luke 2:52 say about Jesus?
    He increased in wisdom, stature, favor with God and man
  • What is the definition of wisdom as described in the material?
    Power of judging rightly and following sound actions
  • How did Jesus grow intellectually according to the study material?
    By having practical knowledge for right decisions
  • What does it mean that Jesus was gradually coming to the knowledge of His true identity?
    He was understanding His divine purpose and role
  • How was Jesus' wisdom manifested?
    When He answered the teachers of the Law
  • Where did Jesus' wisdom come from?
    From His Father in Heaven
  • What does stature refer to in the context of Jesus' growth?
    To develop physically
  • Why should we take care of our bodies according to the material?
    Because they are temples of the Holy Spirit
  • How did Jesus find favor with God?
    Through love and obedience
  • What sustained Jesus' relationship with His Father?
  • How did Jesus find favor with man?
    Through interaction with different people
  • What did Mary and Joseph not understand at first?
    What Jesus was saying
  • What did Mary do with the things she pondered?
    She kept them in her heart
  • How was Christ's true self-identity described in the material?
    It was gradually unfolding in Mary and Joseph
  • What are the four areas in which Jesus grew according to the summary?
    • Wisdom (mentally)
    • Stature (physically)
    • Favor with God (spiritually)
    • Favor with man (socially)