Jesus Faces and Wards Off Temptations

Cards (26)

  • What is one of the earliest events in Jesus' public ministry?
    The Temptation of Christ
  • When did the Temptation of Christ take place?
    Sometime after His Baptism
  • Who tempted Jesus during His time in the desert?
  • How long did Jesus spend in the Judean Desert?
    Forty days and forty nights
  • What season commemorates the Temptation of Christ?
    The season of Lent
  • What does the Temptation of Christ mirror in Jewish history?
    The 40-year experience in the desert
  • What aspect of Jesus did Satan test during the temptation?
    His identity as the Son of God
  • How did Jesus feel during the temptation?
    Very hungry and tired
  • What are the three temptations of Jesus?
    1. Turning stones into bread
    2. Throwing Himself down from the Temple
    3. Bowing down to Satan
  • What did Satan challenge Jesus to do with the stones?
    Command that they become loaves of bread
  • What was Jesus' response to the first temptation?
    One does not live by bread alone
  • What did Satan dare Jesus to do from the top of the Temple?
    Throw Himself down
  • What was Jesus' response to the second temptation?
    You shall not put the Lord to the test
  • What did Satan offer Jesus in the third temptation?
    All kingdoms if He worships him
  • What was Jesus' response to the third temptation?
    You shall worship the Lord alone
  • What do the three temptations symbolize?
    • Pleasure and satisfaction
    • Comfort and protection
    • Control, power, and domination
  • What is life described as in relation to temptation?
    A struggle against evil
  • What do we ask God for in relation to temptation?
    Grace to resist and fight temptations
  • What do we ask God not to do in our struggles?
    Not to abandon us
  • What is a summary of the Temptation of Christ?
    • When: Beginning of His public ministry, after Baptism
    • What: Turning stones into bread, falling from the temple, bowing to Satan
    • Where: In the desert, fasting for 40 days and nights
  • What does turning stones into bread symbolize?
    Pleasure and satisfaction
  • What does falling down from the temple symbolize?
    Desire for comfort and protection
  • What does bowing down to Satan symbolize?
    Desire for power, control, and domination
  • What is Jesus' response to the temptation of turning stones into bread?
    Man does not live on bread alone
  • What is Jesus' response to the temptation of falling down from the temple?
    Do not test God!
  • What is Jesus' response to the temptation of bowing down to Satan?
    Worship and serve God alone