25 generations of mice. most aggressive to breed together, most docile to breed together. resulted in two different strains, one strain super aggressive, one super docile
genetic and generational link in aggression
extrapolation, massive difference in generations for humans vs mice
XYY genotype
males may have an extra Y chromosome which is linked with stereotypical behaviours of dominance, competitiveness and aggression
link between extra Y chromosome and aggression
males - taller, lower IQ, behavioural problems
XYY genotype research
price et al
males in hospitals for the criminallyinsane (temporal validity?). 28% of the patients had an extraY chromosome compared to 0.1% of general population
extra chromosome correlates with aggression
therefore there may be a genetic origin, if there wasnt a link it would also be 0.1% in the hospital
not 100%, other factors
MAOA gene definition
monoamine oxidase A
implicated in aggression, mice possessing gene extremely aggression
affects NT
MAOA and aggression
MAOA metabolises neurotransmitters
a dysfunction is the operation of this may lead to abnormal activity, impacting levels of NT in brain
low activity (MAOA-L) produce less = aggression
han brunner et al
studied 28 males from dutch family repeatedly involved in impulsively aggressive violent criminal behaviour. men had abnormally low levels of MAOA in their brains
+ family study with 28 different males, definitely different environments, large genetic sample
MAOA gene and environment
MAOA-L is only related to adult aggression in combination with early trauma - diathesisstress model!!
interactionist approach/more holistic
frazzetto et al - association between higher antisocial aggression and MAOA-L in males, only the case if significant trauma in the first 15y of life
MAOA - evaluation. cases
geneticallyengineered mice with low MAOA levels
abnormal serotonin levels. adults demonstrated increased aggression and aggression in mating
support for link between lower MAOA and aggression, as well as serotonin
animal study, ethics
MAOA - evaluation. cannot account for all
MAOA-L is only present in a third of men in the Western population
rarely expressed in women
cannot account for most cases of aggression, gender bias+androcentrism