Compliance is when we simply "go along with others" in public because everyone else is doing it
Identification is when we identify ourselves with a group publicly due to a shared value, however, privately we may not agree with all the group stands for.
Internalisation is when a person genuinely accepts the group norms causing both a public and private change in opinions which can lead to permanent behavioural change.
ISI - Informational social influence
NSI - Normative social influence
ISI is an explanation of conformity that states we conform to the majority opinion as it is believed to be correct and we as humans wish to be correct too
NSI is an explanation of conformity which states we conform to the majority opinion because we wish to be liked and accepted
Conformity is described as ‘yielding to group pressures’
Conformity is also defined as ‘a change in a person’s behaviour or opinion as a result of a real or imagined pressure from a person/group of people.