key terms

Cards (18)

  • noble= morally good or of high power
  • pathos= pity and sympathy for extreme suffering
  • hamartia= lack of knowledge or error of ignorance
  • catharsis= emotional purging
    pity and fear as conflicting emotions
  • peripeteia= sudden reversal of fortune
  • hubris= excessive pride
  • anognorisis= moment of realisation of truth
  • poetic justice= when good things happen to good character and bad things happen to bad characters
  • ominous= the worrying impression that something unpleasant is going to happen
  • primogeniture= 1st born son inherits the title and property of the family
  • blank verse= 14 lines of iambic pentameter, no rhyme scheme
  • iambic pentameter= unstressed stressed
  • hendiadys= doubling of adjectives
  • duplicity/duplicitous= to be deceitful
  • filial avenger= a son who is taking revenge
  • antithesis= two conflicting words or ideas near each other
  • introspective= is the process of examining one's own thoughts, ideas and feelings
  • lionise= to idolise or worship