organic chem

Cards (32)

  • What is a polymer?
    A long repeating chain of monomers
  • What is a monomer?
    A single unit of a polymer chain
  • How can a monomer be represented visually?
    As a circle
  • What happens during polymerization?
    Monomers join together to form a chain
  • What notation is used to show the repeating unit in a polymer?
    Brackets and a number
  • What type of hydrocarbon is used in polymerization?
    Unsaturated hydrocarbon
  • What is the smallest unsaturated hydrocarbon mentioned?
  • What polymer is formed from ethan?
  • What is addition polymerization?
    Joining monomers to form one long chain
  • What is condensation polymerization?
    Joining monomers with water as a byproduct
  • What are the reactants in condensation polymerization?
    An alcohol and a carboxylic acid
  • What is formed as a side product in condensation polymerization?
  • What is the structure of a polyester formed from the given reactants?
    A repeating chain with ester linkages
  • What are synthetic polymers made from?
    Crude oil
  • Why are synthetic polymers used instead of natural products?
    They do not require land for growth
  • What are some desirable properties of plastics?
    Strong, moldable, resistant, cheap
  • What is a major environmental issue with plastics?
    They are not biodegradable
  • What negative effects do plastics have on wildlife?
    They can suffocate or kill animals
  • What are microplastics?
    Small plastic particles from clothing
  • How do polymers occur naturally in the body?
    As starch and proteins
  • What is starch used for in the body?
    Storage of glucose
  • How many glucose monomers are in one starch polymer?
    About 1,500
  • What can starch be converted into?
  • What is cellulose used for in plants?
    Building plant cell walls
  • What is the process of amino acids forming proteins called?
    Condensation reaction
  • What is the most important naturally-occurring polymer?
  • What are the four nucleotide monomers that make up DNA?
    Adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine
  • What principle does DNA polymerization work on?
    Condensation polymerization
  • What is the significance of base pairing in DNA?
    Strong intermolecular forces between complementary bases
  • What is the structure of DNA?
    Two polymer chains side by side
  • What should you remember about DNA?
    It is a polymer
  • What is the teacher's request at the end of the video?
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