Physical attractiveness

Cards (7)

  • what is physical attractiveness as a factor of physical attractiveness

    How appealing we find face, agreement globally + within what’s attractive (e.g symmetrical face)
    Assume we seek relationship with most attractive person availiable
  • what is a baby face (neotenous) as a factor if physical attractiveness 

    separated large eyes, delicate chin, small nose.
    triggers protective and caring instinct, valuable recourse for female wanting reproduction
  • what is the halo effect as a factor if physical attractiveness

    Attractive people rated as: kind strong social, unattractive rated opposite.
    Theory we overestimate qualities of attractive people because of looks
  • what is the matching hypothesis as a factor if physical attractiveness
    We dont choose most attractive person but person who matches us in physical attractiveness.
    We take account our own attractiveness when mating.
  • Strength of physical attractiveness
    support study for halo effect by palmer + peterson. Found attractive people rated more politically knowledgeable than unattractive people. Attractiveness important in formation and opinions
  • weakness of physical attractiveness 

    individual differences in terms of importance people put on this. Towhey gave participants photos of strangers and asked to rate them. found attractiveness more important for sexist people. so depending on person attractiveness may not be a factor but matching hypothesis says its main factor.
  • Weakness of physical attractiveness
    Walster invited 752 students to dance party and randomly matched to partner (who were rated by judges and matched on attractiveness). Found that when asked students preferred more attractive people which doesnt support hypothesis