V-shaped valley formation

Cards (8)

  • What are four physical features of the river valley?
    • Steep valley sides
    • Narrow, shallow upland stream
    • Interlocking spurs
    • Narrow valley floor
  • What is vertical erosion?
    Downward erosion of a riverbed.
  • What is the first step in the formation of a v-shaped valley?
    The river eroding vertically into its bed through abrasion and hydraulic action.
  • What is the second step in the formation of a v-shaped valley?
    The exposed valley sides are broken down by weathering processes
  • What is the third step in the formation of a v-shaped valley?
    Mass movement such as slumps / slides / surface runoff moves the weathered material down the valley sides into the river
  • What is the fourth step in the formation of a v-shaped valley?
    The river transports its new load by processes like traction and saltation, which encourages vertical erosion
  • What is the fifth step in the formation of a v-shaped valley?
    As the river flows it swings from side to side around resistant rocks which become interlocking spurs
  • What are weathering processes?
    Physical and chemical breakdown of rocks at or near the Earth's surface.