Filter theory

Cards (7)

  • What is filter theory
    Kerchoff + davis compared attitudes of student couples and made filter theory to explain them.
    Field of availables: everyone you realistically can have a relationship with
    Field of desirables: people who share similar attitudes values interests
  • social demography as the first layer in filter theory
    proximity= better to meet with someone close to you
    accessibility = because less effort to meet them
    homogamy = likely to form relationship with someone socially similar
  • similarity in attitudes as the second layer of filter theory
    self disclosure= want to find things in common getting to know other in relationship for better understanding
    law of attraction = the more similar we find someone the more attractive we find them
  • complimentary (need to meet each others needs) as the third layer of filter theory
    long term couples = find traits complimenting each other, opposites attract
    depth in relationships = complimentary traits make it feel the couple forms a whole, more likely to flourish
  • Strength of filter theory
    Supporting evidence that key factors in relationship changes over time which makes sense in context giving face validity. Winch found similarities of attitudes typical at start but after time complimenting traits more important
  • weakness of filter theory
    low temporal validity. rise of online dating increases chance of being with someone of different social demography. over time people more accepting of different demographies
  • weakness of filter theory
    direction of causality is wrong. complimentary more important at start then similarity. davis + rusbult found in long term couples they bring attitudes in line with each other. similarity cause of attraction not cause.