Improving Reliability

Cards (4)

  • Questionnaire
    -Some questions may be removed or rewritten.
    -If questions are ambiguous they may be interpretated differently on the different occasions doing it in retest.
  • Interview
    -use the same interviewer or one which is fully trained so o leading or ambiguous questions are asked.
    -Use a structured interview where the interviewers behaviour is controlled by fixed questions, unstructured is more free flowing and less reliable.
  • Observation
    -Make sure all the behavioural categories have been properly operationalised.
    -Categories should not overlap, all behaviours observed should be covered. e.g. hugging and cuddling are similar therefore only one should be used for the categories.
  • Experiment
    -Need to have standardised procedures.
    -Allows correlations to be made from the behaviours to be consistent so we can replicate and falsify findings.