The spatial analysis of political phenomena and processes
Administered Boundary

Enforcement of a boundary by government or people (final phase of boundary creation).
Antecedent Boundary

A boundary line established before an area is populated.
Choke Point

A geographical land feature such as a valley or waterway which can greatly decrease combat for an armed force trying to reach its objective.
Consequent Boundary

A boundary line that coincides with some cultural divide, such as religion or language.
Demilitarized Zone
An area in which treaties or agreements between nations, military powers or contending groups forbid military installations, activities, or personnel.
Failed State
A state within which the government has lost the ability to provide the most basic of public services.
Maritime Boundaries

A conceptual means of division of the water surface of the planet into maritime areas that are defined through surrounding physical geography or by human geography.

A boundary that has ceased to function but can still be detected on the cultural landscape.
Subsequent Boundaries

Boundary line established after an area has been settled that considers the social and cultural characteristics of an area.
Superimposed Boundaries
Boundary line drawn in an area ignoring the existing cultural patterns.
East/West Divide

Geographic separation between the largely Democratic and Free-market countries of Western Europe and the Americas from the Communist and Socialist countries of Eastern Europe and Asia; largely defunct, but old issues are preventing the East from catching up to the West.
North/South Divide

The economic division between the wealthy countries of Europe, North America and Japan and the generally poorer countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
African Union

An organization of African States aiming to encourage economic development and political stability through increased cooperation between its members.
Arctic Council

An organization consisting of 8 Arctic States that addresses issues faced by the Arctic governments and the indigenous people of the Arctic.

An area of instability between regions with opposing political and/or cultural values.
A form of an international organization that brings several autonomous states together for a common purpose.
International Organization
An alliance of two or more countries seeking cooperation with each other without giving up either's autonomy or self-determination.
The doctrine that a region should be controlled by the country to which they are ethnically or historically related.
Supranational Organization

Voluntary association of three or more states to promote shared goals.
Commonwealth of Independent States

Confederacy of independent states of the former Soviet Union that have united because of their common economic and administrative needs.
European Union

International organization comprised of European countries promoting free trade amongst its members; recent (and controversial) members include Turkey, Former Soviet states.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Agreement between the USA, Canada and Mexico, promoting the goals of free trade amongst the member countries - The USMCA (United States- Mexico- Canada Agreement).
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

International organization created to form a military alliance between the western, democratic countries during the Cold War, includes USA and Western Europe.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

An international economic organization whose members all produce and export oil.
United Nations

A Global Supranational Organization established at the end of World War II to foster international security and cooperation.

Trending toward democracy.
Domino Theory

The idea that political destabilization in one country can lead to collapse of political stability in neighboring countries, starting a chain reaction of collapse (mostly used in reference to Communism spreading from the USSR in the 1950s-1980s).

A country that is entirely surrounded by the territory of another country (i.e. South Africa).

A bounded territory that is part of a particular state, but is separated from it by the territory of a different state (i.e. Russia has an exclave on the Baltic Sea).
Exclusive Economic Zones

An area of coastal water and seabed within a certain distance of a country's coastline, to which the country claims exclusive rights for fishing, drilling, and other economic activities.

The study of the interplay between political relations and the territorial context in which they occur.
Law of the Sea
Laws establishing states' rights and responsibilities concerning the ownership and use of the earth's seas, oceans and their resources.

Hitler's expansionist theory, the desire to acquire 'living space' for the Germans in WWII.
Military Alliances

International agreement concerning national security in which the contracting parties agree to mutual protection and support in case of a crisis that has not been identified in advance.

An attempt to affect, influence, or control actions, interactions, or access by asserting/attempting to enforce control over a specific geographic area.
Territorial Dispute

Any dispute over land ownership.
Territorial Organization

Political organization that distributes political power in more easily governed units of land.
Electoral College

A certain number of electors from each state proportional to and seemingly representative of that state's population. Each elector chooses a candidate believing they are representing their constituency's choice. The candidate who receives a higher proportion of electoral votes within a state receives all the electoral votes from that state.
Electoral Vote

The decision of a particular state elector that represents the dominant views of that elector's state.