The limb of the loop of Henle that risesinto the cortex.
It is wider in diameter than the descending limb and its walls are impermeable to water.
Sodiumions are movedout of the ascending limb by active transport.
Collecting Duct?
The finalregion of the nephron that collectsurine from the distalconvolutedtubules and empties it into the renal pelvis.
Its permeability to water is altered by ADH.
Descending Limb?
The limb of the loop of Henle that dipsdown into the medulla. It is smaller in diameter than the ascending limb. Thewalls of the descending limb are permeable to water, so the filtrateloseswater as it movesdown.
Distal convoluted tubule?
The twistedregion of the nephronbetween the loop of Henle and the collecting duct.
It controlsbloodpH by reabsorbingions and alters the concentration of water and saltsreabsorbed.
Its permeability to water is altered by ADH.
EFFerent arteriole?
The bloodvessel that carriesbloodaway from the glomerulus and sub-divides to form a network of capillaries.
Its diameter is smaller than the afferent arteriole, creating a buildup of hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus.
Glomerular Filtrate?
The fluidproduced by ultrafiltration of the blood into the renalcapsule. - It contains water, glucose, mineralions and urea.
Glomerulus ?
A bundle of capillaries located in the renalcapsule which are adapted for the filtration of blood.
They later merge to form the efferent arteriole.
Loop of Henle?
A loop consisting of a descending limb (dips into the medulla) and ascending limb (rises into the cortex) surrounded by bloodcapillaries. - It creates a lowwater potential in the medulla, enabling the reabsorption of water
AFFerent arteriole?
The bloodvessel that stemsfrom the renal artery and suppliesblood to the nephron.
It has a largerdiameter than the efferent arteriole and divides into a complexsystem of capillaries, the glomerulus.
The functionalunit of the mammaliankidney.
The regulation of the water potential of the blood by the kidney.
Sensoryreceptor cells located in the hypothalamus that detect a decrease in waterpotential.
Posterior Pituitary Gland?
The gland responsible for the secretion of ADH into the
Proximal convoluted tubule?
The twistedportion of the nephron between the renal capsule and the loop of Henle.
Its wallsconsist of epithelial cells that are adapted for the reabsorption of glucose and water into the blood.
Renal (Bowman's ) Capsule
The cup-like structure at the start of a nephron that surrounds the glomerulus.
The innerlayer of the capsule, through which filtration of the blood takes place, is composed of podocytes.
The epithelial cells, called podocytes, have finger-like projections that the substances can flow between.