definitions of abnormality L1

Cards (17)

  • What does statistical infrequency define?
    Abnormal behavior
  • What does deviation from social norms indicate?
    Behaviors that are extremely rare
  • What is an example of an implicit social norm?
  • How are some social norms policed?
    By explicit laws
  • What percentage of people in the UK experienced a mental disorder in the previous week according to a 2018 report?
    1 in 6 people
  • What is the DSM?
    A manual for diagnosing mental disorders
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of using statistical infrequency to define abnormality?
    • Provides a clear numerical threshold
    • Easy to measure statistically

    • Some infrequent behaviors are desirable
    • Cannot distinguish between desirable and undesirable behaviors
    • Subjective cut-off points
  • Why might statistical infrequency lead to mislabeling individuals?
    It may classify desirable behaviors as abnormal
  • How have social norms regarding homosexuality changed over time?
    It was once considered a mental disorder
  • What is a limitation of defining abnormality in terms of social norms?
    Social norms can vary over time
  • What is the relationship between deviance and context?
    Judgments on deviance depend on context
  • What is a symptom of depression related to sleep?
    Difficult sleeping
  • What is the danger of using statistical infrequency to define abnormality?
    Risk of labeling individuals as insane
  • How does the definition of abnormality relate to social norms?
    Abnormality is defined by deviation from norms
  • What is the implication of having a subjective cut-off point for statistical infrequency?
    It can lead to inconsistent definitions of abnormality
  • What does the term 'deviance' relate to?
    Content and degree of behavior
  • What is a common behavior that is considered undesirable?