Exchange Rates

Cards (8)

  • Exchange rate
    The price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency
  • Floating exchange rate
    The value of a currency is determined by the supply and demand for it in the foreign exchange market
  • Appreciation
    An increase in the value of a currency in terms of another within a floating exchange rate system
  • Depreciation
    A decrease in the value of a currency in terms of another within a floating exchange rate system
  • Fixed exchange rate
    The central bank buys and sell foreign currencies to ensure the value of its currency remains at the same rate
  • Devaluation
    When the value of a currency is deliberately decreased within a fixed exchange rate system
  • Revaluation
    When the value of a currency is deliberately increased within a fixed exchange rate system
  • Managed exchange rate
    The monetary authority intervenes periodically to ensure the exchange rate remains within a desirable range