
Cards (12)

  • The brain controls complex behaviour. It is made of billions of interconnected neurones and has different regions that carry out different functions
  • The cerebral cortex is responsible for consciousness, intelligence, memory and language
  • The medulla controls unconscious activities like breathing and the heartbeat
  • The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system
  • The cerebellum is responsible for muscle coordination
  • The brain has many different functions
  • Studying patients with brain damage can tell neuroscientists what the damaged part of the brain does
  • Electrically stimulating the brain can be achieved by pushing an electrode into the brain and giving it a small zap of electricity which can show what different parts of the brain do when stimulated
  • MRI scans can give a detailed picture of the brains structures and can be used to see what parts of the brain are active when doing certain activities
  • Knowledge of the brain can lead to developing more treatments for disorders of the nervous system
  • The brain is complex and delicate so investigating and treating the brain can lead to physical damage and problems with brain function
  • The hypothalamus controls temperature in the body