Systematic Desensitisation

Cards (4)

  • Outline Systematic Desensitisation as a treatment for Phobias

    • Based on classical conditioning and the idea anything learned can be unlearned (Counter Conditioning)
    • Involves relaxation training and works on the principle that fear and relaxation cannot co-exist (Reciprocal Inhibition)
    • The client draws up an 'anxiety hierarchy'
    • The client is gradually exposed to each level in the hierarchy, moving on to the next step when they are able to relax at the previous level
    • This leads to extinction of the fear response
  • Strength of Systematic Desensitisation
    When clients work all the way through the hierarchy, this treatment is usually effective and the phobia is removed.
    For example, a study found 75% of patients with phobias were successfully treated using systematic desensitisation.
  • Strength of Systematic Desensitisation
    It is an ethical way to treat phobias since the client is in control of how quickly they move up the hierarchy.
    They move on only when they feel ready and relaxed at the previous stage, so exposure is gradual.
  • Limitation of Systematic Desensitisation
    Sometimes exposure is 'in vitro' (imagined) or is via the use of virtual reality equipment.
    This means that improvements made in therapy may not translate to real life. So, may not actually treat the phobia.