Cards (5)

  • Why Study Competition? 
    • Underlies almost all areas in sport psychology: 
    • ===> competition is a very significant part of the social environment (E from the  B = P x E  formula)
  • Why Study Competition? 
    • Competition is what separates sport from other PA 
    • Competitive stress - as is the key issue/psychological difference 
    • Know gonna be judged by other people, can influence performance - which can create stress, & may result in you performing poorly
  • Why Study Competition? 
    • Competition has a direct and indirect impact on all psychological skills needed for performance (eg., competitive anxiety; motivation [Outcome goal orientation])
    • Ego outcome is essentially competition 
    • To see if good enough, have to win
  • Why Study Competition? 
    • The competitive element of sport elicits intense psychological reactions from participants & spectators (eg.  stress/anxiety, aggression, excitement, depression...)
    • Competition is a part of life
  • Why Study Competition? 
    • The competitive element of sport elicits intense psychological reactions from participants & spectators (eg.  stress/anxiety, aggression, excitement, depression...)
    • Importance placed on outcome is from what we perceive its importance to be 
    • We place the importance on sport/outcome, creating these reactions
    • Can have real world implications (such as money)