Part 3: Interaction of Competition & Cooperation

Cards (2)

  • Cooperation vs Competition 
    • Cooperate quite a bit to be able to compete 
    • Obey by the rules, agreeing to abide by rules & refs decisions to allow fair competition 
    • Also in wearing different coloured uniforms 
    • Also cooperate with teammates
    • Not all competitive stress is bad, if have skills on board
    • For youth sport: turning away from competition, overlook the fact that to compete fairly need to cooperate 
    • Not polar opposites 
    • Also if team sport, cooperate w/ teammates
  • Cooperation vs Competition 
    • Competition & cooperation are NOT mutually exclusive
    • Exist together
    • Life is about competing to some extent 
    • Sport has defined rules that are implicitly or explicitly agreed upon. Opponents need to learn how to be cooperative before they can successfully compete [Teammates also need to cooperate]