Cards (3)

  • Basic Assumption of Behaviour Modification 
    • Behaviour is controlled by its consequences (Skinner, 1968) 
    • ===> PERCEPTION B = f (p x E)
    • If a behaviour is followed by a reinforcer, it is more likely to occur again under similar conditions (situation-specific)
    • The behaviour is contingent upon the reinforcement/punishment consequences (contingency management)
  • Basic Assumption of Behaviour Modification 
    • Behaviour is controlled by its consequences (Skinner, 1968) 
    • ===> PERCEPTION B = f (p x E)
    • Perceive if do this behaviour in this situation then may get a particular outcome 
    • Motivate what do in present 
    • Still have a choice 
  • Basic Assumption of Behaviour Modification 
    • The behaviour is contingent upon the reinforcement/punishment consequences (contingency management)
    • Only if person connects the dots (contingent)
    • If do this, will lead to these outcomes 
    • If desire that outcome & connect dots