The client is put in a situation where they are directly and immediately exposed to their fear and avoidance is prevented
On the basis that extreme fear requires a lot of energy, the intense feelings of panic and the physiological changes that go along with it cannot be maintained for long
Eventually, the client will be exhausted and will be returned to a resting, calm state, even though the fear of the object is still present
This leads to extinction of the fear response
Strength of Flooding
Although the effectiveness of flooding is very difficult to test in an ethical way, evidence from casestudies suggests this therapy works.
For example one case study describes successfullyextinguishing a phobia of cars by driving a young patient around for hours until she felt calm
Strength of Flooding
This is a very cost and time-effective form of treatment.
The phobia can be dealt with in one session.
Limitation of Flooding
You cannot put someone through flooding without their consent, and unsurprisingly, very few patients willingly go through with this type of treatment
For some patients, the idea of flooding is too traumatic