Virtual relationships

Cards (11)

  • what is a virtual relationship
    -Computer mediated communication (CMC)
    -people who met online and only know each other via internet not real life
  • Reduced cues theory of virtual relationships
    CMC relationships less effective because lack cues we depend on in real life relationships. less cues = less disclosure
    Lack: emotions, expressions
    De-individualisation as reduced sense of identity > blunt aggressive communication reluctance to self disclose unlikely to reveal inner feeling
  • hyperpersonal model of virtual relationships

    CMC relationships more personal and more self disclosure as develops faster with self disclosure sooner and more intense/intimate
  • Boom or bust phenomenon of virtual relationships
    Online relationships end faster because high excitement of interaction not matched with level of trust
  • selective self presentation in virtual relationships
    people online have more control over what to disclose and cues to send. easier to manipulate self disclosure to promote intimacy by presenting in positive way
  • anonymity in virtual relationships 

    other people dont know identity so less accountable for behaviour so can disclose more to stranger than partner
  • What is absence of gating in virtual relationships 

    Gate is obstacle to formation of relationship like shyness or ugliness
    Advantage of CMC is absence of gating > relationship develops to self disclosure being more deep more frequent.
    No gating allows a relationship to start where it wouldnt in real life
  • how does absence of gating work in virtual relationships 

    refocus attention on self disclosure and away from superficial (online more focused on personality than looks)
    anyone can create own identity online to be whoever they want to be
  • Weakness of virtual relationships
    wrong to suggest nonverbal cues are missing, they're different. Online use other cues like timing of messages and emojis as substitute for facial expressions and tone
  • weakness of virtual relationships 

    most relationships are multi model, conducted online and in person. so what we disclose online will be influenced by offline interactions and vice versa
  • strength of virtual relationships
    supporting evidence for absence of gating by Mckenna + barg who looked at CMC use by lonely or anxious people. found they could express better online.
    of relationships formed online 70% last 2+ years plus which is higher than those formed offline