
Cards (28)

  • negligence is defined by Blyth V Birmingham
  • negligence def - doing something that a reasonable man would not do or failing do do something a reasonable man would do
  • 3 elements - duty breach damage
  • duty of care is set out by donoghue v stevenson
  • three part test set out by caparo v dickman
  • 3 parts of test - forseeability proximity and is it fair just and reasonable
  • forseeability - kent v griffiths
  • proximity with a relationship - bourhill v young
  • fair just and reasonable - hill
  • caparo test is only applied in novel situations - robinson
  • objective standard of care - blyth
  • obj standard - expected to complete a task reasonably competently
  • learners are judged against the standard of a more experienced person - nettleship v weston
  • a substantial body of opinion must support a proffessionals opinion - bolam
  • breach for young people must be of a reasonable person of that age - mullins v richards
  • doctors breach without informed consent - montgomery
  • risk factors may affect the neccessary standard of care
  • vulnerability of c - paris
  • size of risk - bolton
  • if risk was known - roe
  • if there were benefits to the risk - watt
  • precautions must not outweigh risk - latimer
  • 2 elements for damage - causation and remoteness
  • but for - barnett
  • not too remote, must be reasonably forseeable - wagon mound
  • no intervening acts - smith v leech
  • contributory neg - sayers
  • consent - smith