Animal cells have a cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,mitochondria and ribosomes.
Plant cells have a cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm,mitochondria,chloroplasts,ribosomesand a permanent vacuole.
Microscopes are made from a stage,slide,mirror, eyepiece lens, objective lens, coarsefocusing wheel and a finefocusing wheel.
estimating size - TIA
image x actualsize = totalmagnification
Total magnification - TOE
eyepiecelens x objectivelens = totalmagnification
Enzyme activity can be effected by temperature, ph and substrate concentration.
As temperature increases so dose the chance of substrate molecules slotting into an active site which increases the rate of reactions.
Optimum temperature is the point at which enzymes work the fastest.
A sperm cell has -
A streamlined shape to move faster.
A store of mitochondria to provide it with energy to swim
A small vacuole with enzymes to break down the eggsjellycoat.
An egg cell has -
A jelly coat to protect the egg, it hardens after fertilisation to ensure only one egg fuses.
A store of nutrients to provide energy for an embryotogrow and develop.
In the process of digestion the substrate attaches to the activesite due to the complementaryshape which breaks it down and turns it into a smallerproduct.
An acrosome is an organelle in the tip of a sperm that contains enzymes which digest the egg cells membrane
An active sight is a specific region on an enzyme where the substratebinds and the reaction takes place
Active transport is the movement of substances across a semi-permeable membrane from a low concentration to a higher concentration, with the use of energy from respiration
Benedict's is used to test for sugars, if sugar is present it turns from blue to an orange/red
Biurets is used to test for protein, if protein is present it turns from blue to purple
Calorimetry is a method Used to measure the heat transfer in a chemical reaction
Carbohydrates are largemolecules synthesised from simple sugars
A cell membrane is a partiallypermeablebarrier that surrounds the cell
A cell wall is an outer layer made of cellulose that strengthens the plant cells structure
Chloroplasts are organelles for the site of photosynthesis
Chromosomes are longcoiledmolecules of DNA that carry geneticinformation in the form of genes
Cilia are hair-like structures found on epithelial cells which waftsubstances across the surface of tissue in a singular diredition
Ciliated epithelial cells waft to bacteria trapped by mucus into the stomach, where it is killed by the acid
When an enzyme is denatured, its activesight experiences a permanentchange in shape which prevents it from binding with the substrate
diffusion is the net movement of particles across a semi-permeablemembrane from a high concentration to a low concentration
A diploid cell contains two copies of each chromosome
electron microscopes-
Use beams of electrons to produce images of specimen
Have a greatermagnification and resolution
Enzymes are biologicalcatalysts that speed up the rate of reactions in living organisms without being used up
Eukaryotic cells are cells found in plant and animals that contain a nucleus
Flagella’s are hair-like structures on bacterial cells that are used for movement
Haploid cells contain a singular copy of each chromosome
Iodine is used to test for starch, if starch is present it turns from yellow to blue/black
Light microscopes-
Use a series of lenses to magnify the visible light reflecting a specimen
Have lower magnification and resolution
Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down lipids into fattyacids and glycerol
Lipids are large molecules synthesised from fattyacids and glycerol
Mitochondria is an organelle specialised as the site of respiration
Nucleolus is an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells that contains the geneticmaterial and controls the cell’s activities
Osmosis is the netdiffusion of water molecules across a semi-permeablemembrane from a high water concentration to a low water concentration
Plasmids are loops of DNA found in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells
Prokaryotic cells are cells found in bacteria that do not contain a nucleus